1. What is advanced airway management?
We include both the intubation and the supraglottic airway device placement.
Ventilation with bag mask is NOT included.
Patients with tracheostomy do NOT meet the inclusion criteria.
2. What enrollment of “consecutive” patients means?
Screen all consecutive patients for eligibility.
This means that you have to register on RedCap every patients that enters the ORs or the NORA location selected.
If he/she does not meet the inclusion criteria (e.g. airway management not performed) or meets exclusion criteria (e.g. cardiovascular instability), data collection will be limited to the screening page.
For patients who meet inclusion criteria and don’t meet exclusion criteria, complete each question of the case report form.
3. How long will the study last?
Each center can select the starting date of screening independently.
When you reach 40 patients enrolled from OPERATING ROOM and 10 patients enrolled from NORA, screening can be interrupted.
4. How many study collaborators will be listed?
Each center that reaches the target of 50 enrolled patients has entitled to list up to 3 collaborators.
Study collaborators names will be indexed in Pubmed.
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